5 Performance goals for UX designers to consider

Performance goals for UX designers are vital to guide the work of the professionals in charge of designing the best possible user experiences. As we already know, these experiences determine to a large extent the loyalty of our users and the likelihood that they will continue to choose our audiovisual content. 

At JUMP Data-Driven Video, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we know that today companies in the audiovisual business focus almost 75% of their efforts on designing engaging user experiences for customers and consumers. That is why it is so important to make the most of performance goals for UX designers.

What is a UX designer?

A UX designer is the professional responsible for obtaining user satisfaction when using digital products, in this case video playback services. With this objective in mind, the UX designer tries to optimize accessibility, usability and user interaction with the platform being used. 

What is a key performance indicator (KPI)?

The key performance indicator or KPI is a value that allows the company to confirm that it is effectively meeting its objectives or that, on the contrary, it still needs to carry out certain tasks or make corrections to obtain the desired level of efficiency. It is precisely these indicators that determine the performance objectives for UX designers: they are complementary efforts that must go hand in hand, in the same direction and inclination.

Performance objectives for UX designers

Here are 5 performance goals for UX designers that you can’t leave out in your quest for the best user experiences on your platform.

Time spent by the user on a task

This indicator shows how long it takes a user to perform a task on the website. It is a measurement of great importance, because for example it serves to check if the site is really functional and allows to successfully develop the designed actions. In the same sense, it also allows measuring the effectiveness of the design. 

User error rate

This is another important indicator, as it determines the extent to which the user understands the interface. If the error rate is very high and is seen with different users, it is clear that there is something wrong with the web design. User errors may include incorrectly filling out a form or repeatedly forgetting a password, among other possibilities.

Site bounce rate

A bounce rate is the sudden entry of the user into the website. The person enters, sees a single page and immediately leaves. He/she does not complete any form or test the actions to be performed on the website. 

It can be used to check the presence of insubstantial content or a clearly negative user experience.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Search or browse ratio

This marks the need for users to use the site’s search options, rather than browsing the portal directly. A high search ratio could indicate problems in accessing content easily.

Conversion rate

This has to do with the number of times that visitors to a website perform the actions sought by the company that manages the page: buy a product, download content, follow a link to a website, etc… 

Undoubtedly, this is one of the indicators that most clearly shows whether the objectives are being met.