6 KPIs to measure your content marketing performance

In any video playback service it is essential to know if the marketing strategies employed are working, if the content produced is attracting users or if it is necessary to completely change the direction of the actions being taken. To measure content marketing performance, it is necessary to take into account some parameters, which we will list in this article.

From JUMP Data Driven, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we tell you everything you need to know to measure content marketing performance and find out if you are on the right track in your project. 

What are KPIs and how to set them? 

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator, i.e. a key performance indicator.  It is a quantitative metric that serves to keep track of how your team or company is evolving towards the goal of achieving the desired objectives.

There are different types of KPIs, depending on what aspects need to be measured. They can be individual, team-specific or company-wide KPIs. 

In order to establish them, 3 basic pillars must be taken into account:

Define the basic criteria of the KPI: be clear about the objective to be measured, it has to be as specific as possible, measurable and achievable. But, at the same time, relevant to the company or project.

Establish comparisons of the KPI: this analysis will allow to see the performance of the work in different periods.

Adjust KPI results: this action is of vital importance, as it allows to adjust behaviors and make measure content marketing performance really effective and productive. 

What are the KPIs for a content creator? 

A content creator must take into account the following KPIs: 

Quality KPI: indicates the delivery of value, allows to identify errors, and other problems in the production to be corrected.

Financial KPIs: indicates the financial results of a company, such as expenses, losses, etc. 

Customer KPI: provides information on customer interaction with the brand.

Productivity KPI: shows the productivity of the company and salespeople.

Human Resources KPI: shows the degree of satisfaction of employees and their actions within the company.

Strategic KPIs: evaluate a company’s strategic objectives. 


6 KPIs to measure your content marketing performance

To finally measure content marketing performance, you can apply the following KPIs to your video playback service: 


To reach a mass audience and market your product or service, weekly publications on social networks, blogs or podcasts are used, but often the need to measure the reach or traffic that these tools are attracting is not taken into account.

To measure content marketing performance, one of the main KPIs is the traffic or reach of the content produced. 

Churn rate

This KPI is used to record whether people who visit your project’s web page leave the site very quickly or if they are also viewing other content. It allows you to show whether you are producing content that appeals to your target audience and whether you are actually achieving this goal.

Building an audience takes time, so it is normal for traffic to be low at the beginning, so it is not advisable to add content that does not meet the desired results. It is important to identify why traffic is not increasing. According to experts, a bounce rate between 40 and 50% is acceptable, and below 40% is considered a good performance. 

At Jump we have a tool that Increases retention by predicting dropout rates, leading a strategy based on predictive data, JUMP RETENTION.

Reach (paid vs. organic)

Some projects resort to paid promotions to increase users, for example ads on social networks, pay-per-click or banner ads that redirect them to your page, but this strategy is short-lived. This is why it is advisable to build a long-term organic reach, to ensure a better positioning in the market.

User engagement

It is very important not only to know how many people share or comment on the content of your video service, but also because it allows you to measure results of great importance, such as whether the content represents an increase in revenue, if sales improve, if it is attracting the audience segment we want to target, etc. User engagement is a fundamental KPI to know if the content produced is effective. 

Returning visitors

When user engagement is higher, some visitors may return. This can be a good sign that the content produced is working.  

In this sense, you can analyze which are the topics that attract these visitors and generate positive comments or interactions, and continue producing material that increases the audience. Likewise, there must always be room for change and risk, because monotony in content can generate the opposite effect to that sought.

Brand recognition

This KPI is used to evaluate the performance of what is produced, since it is important to know how people recognize your brand, for example, if they have a favorable image or if they identify some of its qualities. Advertising through influencers or recognized people is a good strategy to increase organic traffic and generate revenue, resulting in a better measure of content marketing performance.

Likewise, it must be taken into account that although the user may recognize the brand, this does not mean that he/she has a favorable image of it. That is why there are other methods to analyze brand recognition, such as conducting surveys, measuring user engagement over time or analyzing comments, among other options. In this way, we will be able to know if measures should be taken to improve reputation.

Are you achieving the goals you have set?

Measuring the performance of your content marketing strategy is essential to know if you are achieving the goals you have set and, if not, to be able to make adjustments to improve results. The six KPIs mentioned in the post are an excellent way to measure the success of your strategy, as they cover both quantity and quality of content, user visibility and engagement, and impact on sales. 

By regularly monitoring and analyzing these KPIs, you’ll be able to make informed decisions and focus on areas that need improvement to maximize the ROI of your content marketing. Remember that, in addition to these six KPIs, there are many other indicators that can be useful for your business, so it is important to identify those that are most relevant to your objectives and adjust them to your strategy effectively. To do this, at JUMP we provide you with the best tools and the best team.