Video streaming is one of the most popular and demanding applications on the internet. More and more users consume audiovisual content online, ranging from series and movies to sports and live events. However , video streaming also poses a set of technical challenges that can affect the quality of the user experience (QoE).   QoE is a concept that encompasses the subjective perception of service quality from the customer’s point of view. QoE depends on various factors such as the technical quality of the video , network performance , content , and context . To provide a good QoE for users , it is necessary to optimize video delivery , which involves the encoding , storage , distribution , and playback processes of online video . In this article , we will explain how to optimize video delivery to improve user QoE.

Four techniques to optimize video delivery 

There are several techniques that can help optimize video delivery and improve user QoE. Some of the most important ones are:

Adaptive encoding 

Adaptive encoding is a technique that involves creating multiple versions of the same video with different quality parameters such as resolution , bitrate , framerate , or codec . These versions are stored on a server or streaming platform and delivered to the user based on network and device conditions . This way , interruptions or degradation of the video due to bandwidth limitations or player incompatibility can be avoided . Adaptive encoding allows adjusting the video quality to the users’ preferences and expectations , thus improving their QoE .


Caching is a technique that involves storing temporary copies of the most popular or requested videos on servers close to the users . This reduces the distance and time it takes for the video to get to the user , improving delivery speed and reliability . Caching also saves resources and costs by reducing traffic and load on the original servers . Caching can be implemented using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) or peer-to-peer (P2P) systems .

Intelligent distribution 

Intelligent distribution is a technique that uses algorithms or models to select the best server or route for delivering the video to the user . Intelligent distribution takes into account various factors such as location , bandwidth , latency , congestion , and server and route availability . This way , delays , losses , or errors due to network issues can be avoided . Intelligent distribution improves both Quality of Service (QoS) and user QoE .

Smooth playback 

Smooth playback is a technique that involves using a player or application capable of adapting to video and network conditions . Smooth playback takes into account aspects such as the video format , codec , resolution , bitrate , framerate , and start time , buffering , quality switching , and user control . This way , issues with video quality , interruptions , or freezing due to delivery problems can be avoided . Smooth playback enhances video usability and interactivity .

What are the benefits of improving user QoE? 

Improving user QoE brings several benefits to both users and streaming providers .

Increase satisfaction and loyalty 

Users who enjoy a good QoE feel more satisfied with the service and are less likely to churn or switch to competitors . They may also refer the service to potential users , generating a positive impact on the provider’s reputation and brand image .

Reduce churn and increase revenue 

Users experiencing poor QoE feel frustrated and unsatisfied with the service , and are more likely to cancel their subscriptions or reduce their consumption . This leads to customer and revenue loss for the provider , as well as increased costs for customer acquisition and retention . On the contrary , users who have a good QoE remain loyal to the service and may be willing to pay more or consume more content , generating higher revenue for the provider .

Improve efficiency and profitability 

Users who receive a good QoE generate fewer technical issues, complaints, or support requests. This results in reduced operational costs, improved productivity, and service quality. Additionally, optimizing video delivery can save bandwidth, storage, and network resources, enhancing the efficiency and profitability of the service.

If you want to learn more about optimizing video delivery to improve user QoE , we invite you to discover the solutions offered by JUMP DATA DRIVEN VIDEO, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players . With our JUMP for video streaming solution , we help you grow your business by predicting your audience’s behavior and personalizing the user experience with the power of data . Don’t wait any longer , contact us now!