A successful OTT service means you are reaching predefined business goals you have previously set. Defining these business goals for your OTT Video service and translate it in specific KPIs is not always easy.

Depending on the Video OTT business models these KPIs could be very different and defining and tracking the right ones could be the difference between a real Data Driven strategy that enables management to respond fast and reliable for achieving their Business Goals. Management periodically should review KPIs within the context of the previously defined business goals to evaluate the effectiveness of the operational strategies, manage resources and ensure financial performance of the OTT business.

Some OTT video services solely depend on the front-end app analytics to analyze their service, but these tools cannot provide the right KPIs. Instead, they should utilize specific OTT video KPIs and tools which captures and analyzes every action that end users make while watching video online. It is important to understand what the most valuable KPIs are as they are crucial for making data-driven decisions to achieve business goals.

It is important to differentiate KPIs depending on the business model implemented as for example while for a Subscription OTT service considering how to maximize conversions and minimize churn are the main Business Goals for an advertisement based OTT service one good indicator of consideration is view-through rate.

Obviously, there are dozens of KPIs per category but there are some that for sure are used by some leading OTT services around the world.

While each OTT business model has its own specific KPIs there is a certain KPIs that are common to all Business Models like the ones below:

Traffic KPIs 

  • NUV (Non-users visit per device)
  • UV (Users visit per device)

Users KPIs

  • MNU (Monthly New Users)
  • UAC (User Acquisition cost)
  • UTD (Users to date)
  • UTD per Platform (Users to date per platform) RC (Registration conversion per device)
  • PC (Payment conversion per device)
  • Pairings KPIs
  • NPA (New Pairings)
  • PAC (Pairings Acquisition cost) PTD (Pairings to date)
  • VHO (Viewhour)
  • AVVH (Average Viewhour Per user) AVPA (Average View Per user)


  • SBT (Start Buffering Time) RBT (Rebuffering Time)
  • AVBR (Average Bitrate) PER (Playback Error)
  • Multiscreen Apps Quality KPIs
  • APE (Platform app Errors) BAE (Backend Errors)
  • SUP (Systems uptime)
  • QAF (QA fixes)

Customer Satisfaction KPIs 

  • NPS – (Net Promoter Score) CSA – Customer Satisfaction SPR (Successful Payment ratio)
  • TCI (Top Customer issues)

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