
Discover how leading streaming companies have enhanced their services with us.

Uky Choi, VP of Business Intelligence at M7 Group

“Thanks to JUMP’s flexibility and personalization, I’m able to look at data from a heterogeneous angle instead of tunnel vision: I see exactly the data that interests me to make decisions.”

Brad Danks, CEO of OUTtv

“Our collaboration with JUMP ensures that we achieve this commitment through the merger of content and technology. Their expertise in data-driven solutions aligns perfectly with our goals, enabling us to better understand our audience, respond to their needs, and innovate in ways we previously only imagined. This partnership unifies our shared mission and enables us to put our audience at the heart of every decision we make.”

Christian Betti, CTO America Mobile

“Without jump we will need a team of 25 people working for 2 years to generate all the audience insights and kpis we need to monitor our business.”

Javier Sánchez, Head of Strategy at RTVE Innovation Center

RTVE has the most important radio and TV archives in Spain, and it is essential that we have a tagging solution that acts jointly on specific elements (audio, synopsis characters, emotional, etc.). Because there is not a single solution on the market capable of meeting our needs, RTVE saw in JUMP a solid collaborative opportunity in this area

Mauricio Almeida, Cofunder at Watch Brasil

JUMP’s Personalizer Technology is a widely comprehensive solution and strong assertive for our clients. Having highly precise recommendations results in a greater user experience. In addition, their tools allow us to manage audience segmentation for making campaigns, personalize the experience, providing a boost to user engagement on social media. All this helps increase retention and reduce churn, which is fundamental to any VOD business