
UX Usability Tests: What is it and how is it done?

Now that you have created your product or website, you will want your users to have a look at it. First, however, you will have to perform a UX usability test to check the quality of what you have made.

Read on to find out more about what a UX usability test is and how to do it.

What is usability?

Usability indicates the ease of use of a certain tool. Both user experience and simplicity in achieving objectives are key components. It is applicable to both systems and devices, making it ideal for both software and hardware.

When creating a website, usability means that users are able to navigate through your pages without encountering any inconvenience. The main goal is to create the best possible user experience.

What are UX usability tests?

They are precision techniques designed to evaluate the user experience in relation to a product or website. By testing usability with a group of users or customers, UX (user experience) testers can determine how easily real users will be able to use the product or website.

Typically, UX researchers conduct usability testing on every product interaction, from initial development to launch. This allows any product-related issues to be pinpointed from the user experience, saving companies a lot of time and money.

How is it done?

Do you want to do a UX usability study on your website or product? It is much simpler than you imagine.  The main steps are as follows:

Decide which part of your product or website you want to test

You are not going to test your entire project, and it is also likely that you will have more doubts on some points than others. Therefore, gather information about the areas for improvement in your project, and apply the tests there.

Select the tasks

The tasks for your participants in the study should match your users’ most common activities on your website or with your product. Watching content, for example.

Delegate functions

In the usability study, the moderator must carefully guide the participants. As a company, you must remain neutral and let everything take its natural course. If you seek to correct imperfections during testing, you will run the risk of altering the test results.

Find participants

Finding and recruiting participants is one of the most complicated stages of the study. But no more than five participants need to be evaluated for each study. One option is to recruit colleagues from other departments who may be potential users of your service.

Perform the tests

In the tests, you should ask your participants to complete certain tasks without help or guidance. Remember, you cannot influence the process in any way. Once the tests are finished, you will only need to analyze your results in a study to verify the UX usability of your project.

Then it’s time to analyze your audience and predict your audience behaviour that will help you see where the errors are, and get to know users better to offer them a good user experience thanks to personalized recommendations.

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