Today’s businesses are constantly looking to improve user experience and collaboration to increase metrics while improving profitability. In this competitive modern world, it is necessary for organizations to differentiate themselves in order to increase their visibility in the market. In this article, we will explain what user engagement is.

The exponential growth of the digital market has introduced new terms that are still unknown or confusing to some users. One such term is user engagement.

This metric is in fact one of the most important in helping you assess your customers’ commitment to your business and the type of relationship they have with your brand. Deeply engaged users account for a 23% share of profitability, revenue, and relationship growth compared to the average customer.

Today it is essential to know the meaning of user engagement, have a clear idea of ​​how to target marketing campaigns based on an understanding of user engagement, and analyze if they are really having the desired effect.


Defining user engagement and why it is so important

Even if it sounds complicated, the term “user engagement” refers to an investment in the relationship with the user and to the brand-focused interactions that a user chooses to have.

But what is user engagement? It can be defined as the continuous interaction between the company and the user, offered by the company, and chosen by the user.

This means that customer engagement is just one metric that is used to measure how engaged your customers are with the business as they interact through different service channels.

These interactions in the different channels will create links between customers and businesses, the company name and trust will be strengthened beyond transactional relationships. This will make it easier for customers to become brand ambassadors.

It will help define more specific user strategies and improve the customer experience.

Collaboration with the user is no longer limited to sales and customer service. It has become a continuous practice that allows companies to anticipate customer needs, through contact in different channels that foster lasting relationships, loyalty, and, consequently, growth in business activity.


What data does the JUMP Insights platform offer to improve user engagement on its video platform?

There are so many metrics these days, and some may still have doubts about the effectiveness of user engagement . That is why our data management platform designed specifically for video service players features an analysis system for video platforms that seek to improve the experience and consequently the commitment of users:

  • Contextual recommendations for your users adapted to their consumption habits
    • Recommendations based on user similarity and product similarity.
    • Recommendations by day of the week: make recommendations to your viewers depending on whether it is a business day or weekend.
    • Recommendations by time of day
    • Recommendations by device. Give your users recommendations based on the device they use: a smartphone, web browser, game console or Smart TV, etc.
  • Deliver an ultra-personalized experience by configuring individualized digital content
    • Weighted Personalization by Content Category: set your recommendations to prioritize a specific product category when recommending content to your users
    • Custom curated content: showcase new products, seasonal products, or campaign-related products selected by your curators.
    • Product blacklists: hide products that your curators mark as unsuitable for user groups
    • Recommendations grid settings: configure the messages and the recommendation ribbon format for various recommended content items.
  • Performance tracking of recommendations through performance analysis of recommended products
    • Recommendations impressions: “How many people did my recommendations reach?”
    • CTR of recommendation impressions: “What percentage of people showed interest in my recommendations?”
    • Recommendation conversion rate: “How many people consumed the content I recommended?”